Working With Haproxy
By Chris Gilbert
Although I have worked with enterprise envrionments running Oracle and SQL Server for quite a few years, I’ve yet to be involved in a real high-availability deployment. This has been for a variety of technical reasons in our company’s application, and a lack of interest from most customers. Recently, I explored options and had the opportunity to test some load balancing setups for our application servers at a customer site. I was impressed with the reliability and reputation of the HAproxy software, so had a look at that to begin with. In the past this software has been unable to terminate SSL connections, and had to deploy help from other applications in order to achieve that. The latest versions have SSL support though, and aside from a bit of compiling from source, are easy to install. Here’s how I did it, on Centos 6.4.
This guide covers how to configure Haproxy in a Java/Web infrastructure, to provide a redundant load balancer solution. The advantages of this setup are:
- Protection against failure of the load balancer
- Protection of failure of an application server or web server
- Protection against the failure of a JVM process
This scenario does not protect against database failure. However, that is the rarest of downtime scenarios, and can be mitigated with a standby database or database clustering.
This guide covers installation on Centos 6.4, and as such requires that version or greater. You will need two identical Centos servers or VMs. It is possible to complete the setup on one node, and then clone, but it’s quite easy to do on each. So, it will be covered here assuming you just have two separate minimal Centos installations. As part of the guide, you will need to download and compile the haproxy source, in order to use the SSL features, which are not yet in the packaged versions which come with Centos. You will also need two application/web servers configured as the backends. This setup can also be configured with one web server, and have another added later if required. All instructions below should be run as the root user, unless otherwise stated. So it is best to start up two root shells, one on each haproxy node before beginning.
Installing Required packages
First install required Centos packages as so:
`yum -y install gcc make pcre-devel openssl-``static` `keepalived setools-console unzip`
`chkconfig --add httpd`
`chkconfig --add keepalived`
`chkconfig keepalived on`
`chkconfig httpd on`
Run this on both haproxy nodes.
Allow IP Bind
Run the following on both nodes to allow the virtual IP to bind to a real interface:
"net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind = 1"
>> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p
Allow Firewall Ports
Run the following on both nodes to open the required firewall ports:
iptables -I INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport
iptables -I INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport
Creating Config Files
The following creates the config files, and adds the appropriate IPs. Firstly, set the IPs as required in the shell environment like so:
\# IP addresses for the web servers
# Password for the haproxy stats interface
# The virtual IP across the two nodes
You need the IP addresses for both of the backend web servers, which are assumed are listening on port 80, the virtual IP you wish to be use, which can be any statically assigned IP in the same subnet as the load balancers, and a password for the haproxy stats web page. This defaults to username admin, password mypassword above. Run this on the shells on both haproxy nodes. You will need to rerun it if you create a new shell or switch users. Next, generate the files:
cat > /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf << EOF
vrrp\_script chk\_haproxy {
script "killall -0 haproxy" # verify the pid existance
interval 2 # check every 2 seconds
weight 2 # add 2 points of prio if OK
vrrp\_instance VI\_1 {
interface eth0 # interface to monitor
state MASTER
virtual\_router\_id 51 # Assign one ID for this route
priority 101 # 101 on master, 100 on backup
virtual\_ipaddress {
$VIP # the virtual IP
track\_script {
# Setup haproxy
mkdir /etc/haproxy
cat > /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg << EOF
nbproc 1
maxconn 100000
option http-server-close
mode http
timeout http-request 5s
timeout connect 5s
timeout server 10s
timeout client 10s
balance roundrobin
listen stats \*:8080
mode http
stats enable
stats hide-version
stats realm Haproxy Statistics
stats uri /
stats auth admin:$STATSPWD
frontend httpFrontEnd $VIP:80
maxconn 100000
option forwardfor header x-forwarded-for
default\_backend web\_server
frontend https\_frontend
bind $VIP:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-combined.pem
mode http
option httpclose
option forwardfor
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\\\\ https
default\_backend web\_server
backend web\_server
mode http
server apache1 $APACHE1:80 check maxconn 500
server apache2 $APACHE2:80 check maxconn 500
appsession JSESSIONID len 52 timeout 12h
The default configuration creates two haproxy listeners on ports 80 and 443. It looks for a combined SSL certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-combined.pem. This should contain the SSL cert, the private key, and any intermediate certificates.
Compiling HAProxy
Next, you need to download and compile haproxy. Please check the webpage and download the latest available version of the 1.5 branch.
\# Compile haproxy
tar xzf haproxy\*
cd haproxy\*
make TARGET=linux2628 USE\_EPOLL=1 USE\_OPENSSL=1 ARCH=native USE\_ZLIB=1 USE\_PCRE=1 && make install
Assuming you installed the above packages and nothing else has changed, it should compile and install the haproxy binaries.
Generate init script
Run the following to generate and install the haproxy init script, to allow it to start when the server reboots:
cat > /etc/init.d/haproxy << EOF
# chkconfig: 235 90 36
# description: starts and stops haproxy
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
start() {
echo "Starting HAProxy"
/usr/local/sbin/haproxy -f \\${HAPROXY\_HOME}/\\${SERVICE}.cfg -p \\${VAR\_RUN}/\\${SERVICE}.pid
\[ \\$RETVAL -eq 0 \] && success || failure
\[ \\$RETVAL -eq 0 \] && touch /var/lock/subsys/\\${SERVICE}
return \\$RETVAL
stop() {
echo "Stopping HAProxy"
kill \\\`cat \\${VAR\_RUN}/\\${SERVICE}.pid\\\`
\[ \\$RETVAL -eq 0 \] && success || failure
\[ \\$RETVAL -eq 0 \] && rm -r /var/lock/subsys/\\${SERVICE}
\[ \\$RETVAL -eq 0 \] && rm -f \\${VAR\_RUN}/\\${SERVICE}.pid
return \\$RETVAL
restart() {
check() {
/usr/local/sbin/haproxy -c -q -V -f \\${HAPROXY\_HOME}/\\${SERVICE}.conf
status \\${SERVICE}
netstat -anp|grep \\${SERVICE}
case "\\$1" in
echo \\$"Usage: \\$0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
exit \\$?
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/haproxy
chkconfig --add haproxy
chkconfig haproxy on
Alter The Config on the Slave Node
There’s a minor change to make on the slave node now - you need to change the keepalived priority on this, so it will always be a slave, unless the master goes down. Run the following:
Run on slave ONLY
sed -i
's/priority 101/priority 100/'
Check and Test
The final step is to test config, and bring up the daemons:
Test Haproxy Config
haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf -c
service keepalived start
service haproxy start
Testing Keepalived Failover
You need to verify that the VIP is properly assigned on the master node.
ip addr sh eth0
N.B. The ifconfig command will NOT show this virtual IP address, so use the command above instead. You should see two IPs assigned to the interface, the real and the virtual IP. Running the same command on the slave should show only the real IP. To review what keepalived is doing, you can do:
grep keepalived /var/log/messages
To test the VIP failover, you can take down the interface on the master node. The IP should failover onto the slave node, as shown by the commands above. Of course to test this, you need to have a console open either through a VM or directly on the server! To take down the interface you can do this (see caveat above):
ifdown eth0
To bring it back up:
ifup eth0
Testing Haproxy Failover
You can look at the interface at http://virtual-ip:8080 - this shows the stats for the haproxy. Username and password are as specified earlier A normal setup with two healthy web servers will look something like below: If a server goes down, you’ll see something like this instead:
You can see that the apache1 web_server line has turned red. You can test that haproxy is seeing this correctly, by taking down an apache service on one of your web servers:
service httpd stop
Refreshing that page should then show the server going yellow, and then red. The default setting is to failover the web server if it does not respond, or responds with an error, to two successive tests, 2 seconds apart.
Improving Haproxy Failover for the Application Server
By default in the above configuration, haproxy just checks for a working webserver on port 80. Therefore, it can’t detect if the web application is running correctly or not. This may not be a problem if you are using a cluster aware configuration, using the weblogic plugins, for instance, as apache will be able to reroute requests itself, so long as it is running. That means, should a JDK fail on one application server, apache will automatically send the requests to the other application server in the cluster. However, when there is no application server cluster, haproxy can ensure that users don’t get sent to a dead JVM accidentally. To do this, add something like this to the configuration under the backend section:
option httpchk yourapp
This will check the /yourapp URL on the web server, and will assume it is working correctly if it gets a normal HTTP response. If it receives a 404 or 500 error, this will trigger a failure, and after several of these, HAproxy will stop routing traffic to the host.